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Cats behavior has changed


I have a 12 year old long haired indoor cat and she has  recently been getting into the bathtub for no reason.  Should I be worried or is this normal?


I would say, since she is long-haired, that she is getting into the bathtub because it's cool. That is a common place for cats to lay, especially in the summer. Cats also rotate their favorite sleeping places, and the bathtub may be the current place of choice.

If there are ANY signs of illness then she may be hot because of a fever and trying to cool down. A 12 year old cat is 64 years old in human years. It would be advisable to take her to the vet anyway for a 'senior checkup'. At that age the kidneys can start to fail, or any number of other age related conditions can occur. Has she been eliminating OK? She could also have urinary crystals too.

But if she appears to be OK otherwise then don't worry. I have found that there is no 'normal' behavior in cats!