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Kitty is aging


My cat is about 10 years old and seems like she lost all the pep in her step. She was never the type to be a lap cat, but now adays she barely greets you when returning home. Most of the time she is curled up somewhere sleeping- is this cause for alarm?

Hi Janine!
As your subject line states, your kitty is aging.  She won't be quite as active, however, if she doesn't want to eat or drink, then there is need to be concerned.  Watch her, and make sure she is using the litter box too. Older cats will sometimes have kidney problems. If everything else seems ok, she is just getting older, a little less active and probably her hearing is not as good as it used to be.  She may not be greeting you at the door because she may not hear you come in. More than likely, thats what it is.  I hope all is well.
God Bless,