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Cat meows as she drags various items around.


My cat is an 11 years old 13lbs ball of joy.  She is a very very happy cat even though we lost her sister to FIV 2 years ago.  She has been tested and all is ok with her.  My question is about her behavior, ever since she's been a few years old, she will drag clothes or slippers, socks or sweaters around and meows while doing that.  As soon as she drops the object, she stops.  Usually, if I'm in a room, she'll get something from another room and drag it to where I am.  If I leave and change rooms, she'll eventually grab the item and bring it to where I am, meowing loudly all the way there.  Why could she be doing this?

Hi Charline.  Sounds like this is most likely a mothering instinct.  Cats will carry "babies" around, calling for their others.  Very often, they'll have a place where they leave their "babies," collecting socks and toys in the same spot.  When I bred Siamese, I had one who was constantly stealing socks and underwear from the hamper and carrying them around, putting them in her bed.  She even stole other Siamese's kittens!  She was most vigilant when pregnant, but she continues this behavior, even though she was spayed years ago.  

There are many cats who bring their kittens (real live ones included) into a room with their owner.  They trust them enough to help watch over them.  This sort of behavior is most common in cats who aren't spayed or who have had litters, but there are some spayed cats that still carry this strong instinct.  

It is also possible she's "hunting," and offering you her kill.  Most cats who go outdoors will bring dead animals and leave them on the doorstep for their owners.  Indoor cats may carry other objects around the house.  A lot of times, they'll leave these objects in their food or water dish.