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Cat with Ear Problem


My 4 year old cat became ill about 2 months ago. She acted like she had an inner ear infection, staggering, falling over, holding her head to one side. This lasted for 2 weeks, the vet said she did have an ear infection and antibotics were started. She slowly got better, but she still tilits her head to the left and if she shakes her head she falls over. Her appetite is very good, she plays etc like she always did, but her ear still has a dark drainage coming from it. I DONOT like all the "drugs" that vets readily give and I am looking for a holistic or home remedy to treat my baby Sagwa. Thank you

Hi Mary,

I'm afraid I'm with your vet in this. You need to get another course of antibiotics in your cat. Get him to give a different type because the first type didn't work too good. The infection could be resistant to that type of antibiotic. Also ask him if he might have a yeast infection . This also sometimes piggybacks onto a regular ear infection. Please take him back to the vet,( or a different vet if you aren't happy with your first one). If left untreated his infection could lead to him losing his hearing. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen