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Kitten will not move back legs


We have a kitten in our barn who got injured, it is only a a couple of weeks old. It moves it back legs a little but cannot walk, it can go to the bathroom and we are feeding it kitten formula out of a bottle several times a day.
Please advise is there any hope?
We are taking it to the vet today but my experence with most vets would be to put it down.
If you could comment quickly before I go to the vet I would very much appreciate it
I gave you my work E-mail for quick review just in case it does not work my  home is  

I'm sorry if I did not answer this before you took the kitten to the vet.  I definitely recommend they do an x-ray.  Even if the kitten is paralyzed, if it can eat and eliminate waste on its own, and is not in pain I see no reason why it should be put down, provided it has someone to take care of it.  They make wheelchairs for cats and dogs that help them get around, but sometimes they can just learn to do it on their own.  Also, if he can move his back legs a little it is possible his spinal cord wasn't completely severed and there is just some swelling compressing it right now from the injury that will go away in time, in which case he may be completely healthy.  I hope things go well at the vet.
