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Question on Dry Skin (Cats)


Hi -

I have a 5 year old cat who I am noticing flaky skin on. I started to groom him about two weeks ago.  The vet said I'd see flaking at first but should go away.  I'm still seeing quite a bit of flaking going on.  Otherwise he is healthy. He doesn't go outside.  I feed him Iams dry cat food.  I'm wondering if there is anything natural I can give him to help with the flaky skin. He doesn't seem to be itching a lot or anything like it is bothering him.  Just wondered if there was something natural I can give him to help.


Hi Mel,
You could add a little bit of oil to his food every day,  just a bit, you don't want to cause him to have diarrhea.  Vegetable oil would be fine, or even a little bit of butter or margerine. This will also help on hairballs.  You should also bathe him with a medicated shampoo. Try to let it sit on him for at least ten min before rinsing.  I know that can be difficult with a cat. Try wrapping him up in a blanket or putting him in a crate while he waits.  Just be sure not to let him get chilled. Rinse well and see if that helps.  It's the same as humans using dandruff shampoo.

God Bless,