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New kitten question.


I just got a new kitten yesterday and was told that she is 6 weeks old.  I have had her for a day and a half and she still has not pooped.  Why is she doing this and how can I help her?  Any other useful information would be a big help.  Also, do you recommend me to bring her to the vet's office just for a wellness check even though she is not old enough to receive her shots yet?

Thank you,


Hi Stefanie, Is the kitten eating and drinking ok? Sometimes they get a little unsettled when they move to a new home but if she is eating and drinking and is active and alert she is probably fine. If she is NOT, then I would take her to the vet for a check up... or if you notice anything else about her that is not quite right get her in right away to the vet. For example if she has any coughing, sneezing, eye discharge, dirty ears, fleas, diarrhea, or even if she does not pass stool by tomorrow.. get her in for a check up!