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Mature female with gross symptoms


Hi Katey, first I'd like to thank you for providing this service for free. Those of us with tight budgets appreciate it. Bobbers is my 13 year-old female cat, we live alone and she has no contact with other animals. For the past couple of days her vaginal/rectal area has been quite gross. It's always wet and seems to be irritated (pinkish). The wet fur extends from the bottom of her stomach to the underside of her tail and I realize I haven't seen her grooming herself in a long time. There's no visible discharge other than the constant moistness, and no bad smell. It doesn't seem to be bothering her, she fights me a little when I try to wipe her with baby wipes and there's been no change in her bathroom habits, everything seems to be coming out normal (although if there were a discoloration of or blood in her urine I wouldn't be able to tell with clumping litter). Please tell me how worried I should be before I rush her off to the vet for $300 worth of bloodwork. Thank you, Tina.  

your welcome, would she use the litter box if nothing is in it?? if she will then take all the litter out and leave it empty and let her urinate in the litter box then try and collect and take it to your because it sounds like she has a high white blood cell count or a low blood count..I know how you feel about vets since i work at one but i also got a new kitten today that was brought in by a client because it almost got ran over but i took it in..

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