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Swollen eye


About a month ago, not long after I adopted a new kitten, all my 3 cats including the new kitten fell ill with cat flu. After seeing the vet, they recovered. But not long after that, I woke up one morning to find my oldest cat with very swollen inner eyelids. I rushed him to the vet. He diagnosed that the inner eyelids are extremely swollen and probably gotten it while the kitten was scuffing with him. I was given antibiotic and anti histamine and an eye oilment for the cat. He recovered within the week. This was about a month ago. However, yesterday, my cat had a sneezing fit for awhile and this morning I woke to find his eye extremely swollen again. I have just given him the same medicines. Could you please advise me what could be the cause of this? I am so worried. Many thanks.

Hi Theresa,

Have your vet check your cat for feline herpes virus 1 infection. It sounds like your cat may have this. If he does try using l-lysine, (250 to 500mg once a day). Herpes can't be cured but can be handled. Using the antibiotics help with any secondary infections. The l-lysine suppresses the virus but doesn't get rid of it. Take him back to the vet and see what he says. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen