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Odd change in behavior


Hello, I have a question about my kitten. She is approximately 4 months old, and has recently started acting differently. She has started whining at the door to our bedroom constantly, and seems like she is desperate to get in there, as she also claws under the door. She and her brother are not allowed in the bedroom, as there is too much stuff in there that could harm them. It has been this way the whole time they have lived with us and hasn't been a problem until now. At first they cried and tried to get in when we went to bed for the night, but that stopped after the first few days. Now all of a sudden, all she wants to do is get into the bedroom, even though none of us are in there. We have several rooms that are usually unoccupied, so I don't think she is trying to be alone. Why would she be trying so hard to get into an empty room, and why all of a sudden? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


I am wondering if she is having a mild season.  It is not unheard of for four month old kittens to come into a first season.  If the male is just as precocious, you could end up with a pregnant female.  I do not know if this explains her behavior, but I would consider getting her spayed.  Females can be spayed as young as 12 weeks of age with no ill effects.

The other possibility is that cats just hate knowing there is a place they can't get to.  It is kind of the "grass is always greener" syndrome.  They just have to get in there because they cannot.

I would keep a watch on her, just in case.

Best regards... Norm.