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Brining cats together.


We have a 6 month old mainecoon kitten who has lived with us as the only cat since August. Yesterday we had to adopt a soon three year old cat because my friend is suddenly leaving the country. How do I make them not hate each other, it has not been a single moment without noises since they met each other. The younger kitten is taking it alright but the older cat is very upset and snarl at everything. The older cat who usally is very frendly has now attacked and scratched me too. Both cats are spayed females by the way.
What should I do to get peace in my house?

Thank You! Anja


Hi Anja,
This is something that takes time and patience. You may want to separate them for awhile.  If you put the new kitty in a room by herself along with litter box and food, then they can sniff each other under the door and your Mainecoon kitten will get used to her "smell".  That's really what this is all about. Cats produce their own smell and your mainecoon knows that this new kitten has a different smell and does not belong she thinks!  Gradually let them out to see each other, a little more each day. It may take a little while, but eventually they will get along fine.  There may be some hissing and major growling going on, and your mainecoon might take a few swipes, but this is all normal.  There has to be a hierarchy set up and your mainecoon will let the new kitten know that she is "the boss"!  Just give it some time. I know right now it may seem that they will never get along, but I bet they will in due time!

God Bless,