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cat lost a tooth


I noticed this morning that one of the small teeth in front on the bottom is missing.  Is this normal or do I need to call the vet?

It's common for cats to lose their tiny incisors as they age.  However, losing teeth can be a sign of periodontal disease.  See if she'll let you look in her mouth, especially the back teeth.  If she has a yellow or brown buildup on her teeth (tartar), has any redness, bleeding, growths or sores on her gums, or if her breath is odorous, then you should schedule an exam.  She probably will need to have her teeth cleaned, maybe even have some pulled, or at the least, an antibiotic may be prescribed.  Ignoring gum disease can lead to bacteria from the mouth entering the bloodstream and infecting the heart, kidneys and liver.  This is often fatal.