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Not Himself At All


My previously active and energetic cat has been acting very strange lately over the past 3 or so days he just sits down and stares at the wall or into nothingness. not in a like 6th sence kind of way but just copletely non emotional. He is just over a year old so hes very young and fit and loves being and staying outside. I first noticed him acting weird wen he came in and stayed in my room over night and still stayed in, on my bed the whole of the next day, and the day day after that until about 3pm wen my mum put him outside.
We dunno wots wrong wiv him its so out of character, i think somebody injected him wiv something because it seems to be emotional.
Anyone with any thoughts plz let me know.

Hello Neesy,
Sounds like your cat is quite ill.  Perhaps he got into somekind of poison, or ate something outside that has made him feel so bad.  Usually when cats change behaviour like this, it is because they feel very sick.  It would probably be a good idea to take him into the vet for a checkup.  It may be something as simple as an upset stomach, or something as serious as a poisoning or disease. Best of luck with him, and thank you for your intrest in this site.
Hope this has been helpful,