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Hole on back


Hi I have just discovered a hole (probably about 2-3 cms deep) in my cats back. It is red around the edges and is filled with yellow puss but this is not discarding from the wound. The puss also has a smell to it. The area is not inflamed and has not had any hair loss. What could this hole be from but. More importantly how do I treat it? She has been very "cranky" and unaffectionate the past few days as it has developed but it does not appear to cause her any pain as I have cleaned it out with warm soapy water.


This sounds like an abscess, your kitty will need to see a vet to get the wound properly flushed and receive antibiotics to clear the infection. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
