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Skinny 3 yr old cat


So my cat is a normal black cat that LOVES to go outside. Before he was regular weight and size but now a days he has lost all his weight and is pretty much skin, muscle, and bones. It is not like he doesn`t eat, he`s just outside so much that he gets enough food. So is my cat too skinny?

Hi Maria,

It's difficult to say whether your cat is too skinny without seeing him - but as a general rule, an average cat weights around 7lb (3kg) and you should be able to feel, but not see, your cat's ribs.  If he goes outside and hunts and is not being wormed regularly (every 3 months), a worm infestation could be an explanation for his weight loss.  If you are sure that he is free from worms, I suggest you take him along to a vet to see whether there is a medical reason for his weight loss.

Best of luck with this.

Take care