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Indoor cat ... gone nuts


I have a cat that is a year old, i got him when he was about a month and a half and was living in a barn. Max is always at the door trying to get out and has a few times...not good. Is it good to take him outside? Or does that make him want to go out more... cause i was thinking of building an outdoor pen he could go in sometimes outside. My house has 8 doors so it is very difficult to keep him in!:| ALSO
max has a "fat bag" under him and its grose ... any idea of how to get rid of it... diet?

Hi Brittany,

I have to laugh about the fat bag comment. There really isn't anything you can do about that. If it is only under his belly and he's not a fat cat overall, then there isn't anything much you can really do about that. I have 13 cats here and I would say that about half of them have it. I have one, ( a fixed female), whose bag really hangs. We call it her udders.

I think the idea of an outside cat room is splendid. I would not let him go out free. There is too much out there that he can get hurt by; cars, other cats, dogs, kids in the neighborhood. Here's a good link for ideas on cat enclosure's. It has a lot of info there.

Build it onto one of the doors and put a cat door in so Max can go in and out as he pleases. He will be happy this way and you will know he is safe. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen