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meowing for food

20 16:44:10

Hi Barb,

I'd like to thank you for your last response to my question before I pose another one.  It made me feel better.  In any case, my kitten has this annoying habit of meowing (a complaining sort of meow) the second I take the food out to feed him.  He meows incessantly from the moment he sees that I'm going to feed him and until I put the food in front of him.  At first I thought this was cute, but it's starting to get annoying.  Is there any way to teach him not to do this?  Looking forward to your response.



Hi Daniella,

I doubt there is anything you can do to stop this behavior.  He might outgrow it, but until he does, there is not much you can do.  Some cats are just extra anxious.  Just try to live with it and understand it's part of his personality.  Good luck.  Hugs, Barb