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My pregnant cat is being spoilt.


Hi, I'm Renee and we have a pregnant cat that is currently in her third week of pregnancy and she is making me feel guilty. Every night I walk into my bedroom and see her lying on the middle of my bed, right where I'm about to sleep, so I place her outside my bedroom, half close the door and start feeling guilty, she looks up at me then I let her back in. The last 2 nights I have been sleeping on the floor because she's sleeping in the middle of my bed. So my question is, how do I keep her happy and me not feeling guilty?

Hi Renee.  She certainly is being spoiled!  Is there any possibility that you could create a bed just for her?  Maybe if you have a cardboard box that's about the right size for her to curl up in, and you have a small pillow, an old towel or a couple of t-shirts you could spare, you could place one of these items inside the box, and most cats like this as a bed just fine.  

If she won't use a cardboard box as her own bed, you may be able to compromise with her by placing an article of clothing of yours down on the corner of your bed.  Most cats prefer to sleep on personal items of their owners, and if she'll sleep on a shirt of yours down at the foot of your bed, you can at least have the rest of the bed to yourself.

Nevertheless, if none of this is acceptable to her and she insists on hogging the whole bed, you'll just have to put her out of the bedroom.  Her behavior will become habit very quickly if you give in to her, so it's best to put an end to it now.  I certainly understand where you're coming from, but there's no need to feel guilty.  This is an emotion that humans take upon themselves, but the cat is not looking at you as though you have done anything wrong.  Rest assured cats wouldn't be put out trying to share anything with us!

Best of luck with your kitty and her upcoming litter!
