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Houdini Kitty


Cat lump
Cat lump
My mom and I purchased a short hair Persian a few months ago and had him neutered when he turned 5mos old. He is now 6mos and has been indoor all his  life but now, everytime we open the door, he makes a beeline out. He was once outside all night because we didn't know he escaped and there are VERY mean cats in our neighborhood. He still has his claws and has a microchip but he's so passive he'll get the stuffing kicked out of him if he isn't killed! We're using a squirt bottle to keep him away from the doors but he's a crafty little boy who has learned to wait until our backs are turned. What can we do to keep our indoor cat an indoor cat? I did research on his breed and was warned to keep persians inside because they don't last long as outdoor (plus, we don't want an outdoor cat).

Also, I just noticed two little lumps on his belly. Each are in line with his legs and no fur grows on them. They don't seem to bother him and they're exactly opposite of eachother. They almost look like nipples. What are they? Should I be worried?


You could invest in a Scat Mat - this is a clear mat that delivers a mild static shock when the cat steps on it... It's a humane way of deterring the cat from spending any time around the door whether you happen to be home or not. Simply place the Scat Mat in front of the door and turn it on, your kitty will get the message soon enough!

As for the lumps on his tummy, yes they are indeed nipples, just as male humans have nipples so do male cats.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
