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2 (?) day old kittens...


They aren't eliminating, even though I'm stimulating them to go....  The one pooped once, but he feels sort of bloated, and they both have urinated once for me since last night.  They are both taking kitten formula.  The one who pooped is eating less than the other one.
Any help would be great.
If you have a phone number you don't mind me calling, I will call you, or I can give you my number....?  I'm in Hamilton, ON, Canada.
Gabee :)

Hi Gabrielle, How are those little babies doing??

Hi Gabrielle, Sometimes the kitten formula can constipate kittens a bit so that they are only pooping once or twice a day. Make sure that you are diluting it enough and you can mix a little mashed pumpkin into the mixture. It won't do any harm and sometimes it will help with the elimination problems. I am hard of hearing so phone is not the best way to get a hold of me, but you are welcome to email me at my personal email which is and I can get back to you quicker !!