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Blue Skin Kitty


Hello, my Mom just had a stray kitten show up at her house.  My husband and I decided to take her home and I noticed that she has blue skin.  She looks like a black and brown tabby with green eyes and I am concerned about the blue skin.  She did have fleas and when we gave her a bath her skin turned a normal color.  Now it is back to blue.  Do you think this is a skin disorder?  I've looked around online and can only find the Russian Blue and American Blue breeds and she doesn't look like them.  Any input would be appreciated.  Thank-you!


My bet, without seeing a picture, is that she is a blue tabby, for which blue skin would be normal.  Young blue tabbies can have cold coat color which makes them look similar to a brown tabby until their coat color warms up.

A sure check is to look at her paw pad color.  If it is sepia to black, she is a brown tabby.  If it is pinkish mauve to slate blue, she is a blue tabby.

I know of no skin ailment in cats that would turn the skin blue!!!!!

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.