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Sudden change in behaviors.


We have had a pudgy neutered male in the house for about a year, now, and recently brought in a new female kitten. The two seem to get on fine, but I've been noticing a real change in our male cat's behavior. Before the kitten, he was very affectionate and would basically let us hold him and cuddle with him until we stopped. If we got out a cat toy, he would play continuously. Now he's very tetchy about being held, sleeps a great deal more, and seems to be experiencing some severe lethargy. The kitten is incredibly active and, when she first came into our home, would constantly play with the older male. Her interactions with our male cat now are mostly very gentle. She'll groom him, whereas before she would try to get him to play.

Is this normal behavior in such a scenario, or should I take my male cat to the vet to get him checked out?

Hi Bridgette,

Changes in behavior when you bring a new kitten in sometimes happen. But what concerns me more is the severe lethargy. That shouldn't be happening. Take him to your vet to get checked out. He could have something wrong with him. With being overweight and lethargic it could be something wrong with his thyroid. Good luck and let me know what the vet said.

Ciao, Karen