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I think my kitten is sick


My kitten is around 7 months old, spayed and is an indoor/outdoor cat. I'm new to this cat-owning experience so I'm just a little worried about anything new. She's been sneezing for the past 3 or 4 days, but it has become more frequently. Around yesterday she's been starting to cough like she has a hairball but nothing comes out. That, too, has happened more frequently. This morning I put some food in her bowl and she only had a little bit which is very unlike her. She usually eats whatever i give her. I also noticed her inner eyelid (excuse me for not knowing the correct term) is more of a thick milky white. She's been a little bit less active in her lifestyle. My kitten usually runs around and explores where now she is laying down a lot and sleeping. When she wakes to look up her eyelids (I mentioned earlier)don't retract all of the way. She doesn't purr a lot anymore as well. Please help me out and thank you very, very much.

Hi Abby and thanks for asking on AllExperts!  Glad to see you caring so much and good for you on noticing.

I'm not a Vet - though I have 4 rescue cats from 11 years old down to 2 they have had their share of vet visits : -)

I don't like when the cats sneeze, then it seems to get in their chest - Seems to me that is like when humans get a cold and it turns into bronchotis?

Anyway, I would be worried about Upper respitatory infection or even an allergy to some new food?  But I would get an appointment as the respitatory infection IS treatable (been there, got the antibotics), but your Vet can determine what it is and get the treatment going earlier - the earlier the better for your kitten as it needs to be drinking and eating again and growing to be a beautiful stong cat!

There may also be a Vet answering questions on here that could give you more information, so please make the appointment, then check with for the Vet as better thoughts/ideas will come from them.

Bless you and your kitten and please let me know how it turns out ok?
