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My Cat.


my 7-8 month old cat has a white milky discharge coming from her vaginal area. What should I do, what could this be?

Hi Kyle,

Is your cat spayed?  If not this could indicate a uterine infection which should be checked out by a vet.  Is it possible she's pregnant? She may seem too young to be pregnant but cats generally become sexually mature around 6 months of age and with a gestation period of about 65 days that would put her in the right time frame to be giving birth. They will often have a discharge a week or so before giving birth but I would expect that she would be pretty big by now and her nipples would be prominent if she is that close to giving birth.  If she's not pregnant or has been spayed I would watch for any other symptoms like lethargy or loss of appetite which could indicate an infection and take her to the vet if the discharge continues.