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Cats after giving Birth


My10mth old cat has just given birth to 4 kittens. She is healthy, eating around 4-5 meals a day, very attentive mum and spends most of her time with them, but today she has been howling and meowing all day rubbing herself against the furniture outside, wanting to get outside most of the day as well, wondering around giving the call like she is on heat. It's a continuous calling. I have had female cats all my life and have never encounted this desperate vocal noise after having kittens.....


It sounds to me as if she IS in season!!!!!!!!!!  It is not unusual for a cat to come into season (called a lactation heat) about 4-5 weeks after giving birth, but it can happen sooner.

Has she had a post natal check up to make sure she was able to get everything out when she gave birth? I am not a vet, but I wonder if she may have something left in the uterus that may be causing the hormones to go wild??????

Best regards... Norm.