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Cats vaginal discharge



My cat has been having brownish discharge from her vagina that has an unpleasant odor since half year ago.  Lately I have discovered that she also has blood coming out, but I do not think that is period since she was spayed when she was about 2 months old.  She is currently 8 years old and is obesed (about 16 pounds).  I have read some articles related to her issues and think that she might have an urinary tract infection or even cancer.  Besides bleeding/discharging, she also seems to be tired and thirsty all the time (sleeping and sitting next to the water bowl very often.  According to your experience, what do you think that might be?  I will bring her to the vet very soon, but I would like to know in advance what might be the possible reason of her symtoms.  Thanks a million!


This kitty should really see a vet ASAP, since I'm not a vet I'm not able to offer a diagnosis or any kind of treatment recommendations. In this situation your kitty could have a variety of issues ranging from fairly benign and easily treatable issues (she may be overweight to the point where she's unable to properly clean her genitals and anal region, she may even have an infection related to that) to significantly more serious and not so treatable conditions (cancer and other issues) that may mean you'll have to consider palliative care options to make her remaining time on this earth as comfortable as possible. I really wish that I could have offered more, but unfortunately I haven't been able to since this is outside the realm of my qualifications. You could certainly feel free to try out the Ask A Vet portion of this site to see if any of the veterinarians who volunteer on this site would be able to offer any ideas of what might be happening with your feline companion. If you have any further cat related questions I'd be more than happy to help you out to the best of my ability.