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Cat vomiting immediately following bowel movement


We have a 5-year-old Tabby Hemmingway male cat, that is an indoor-only cat, with no indoor plants or treats, besides an occasional lick of a yogurt lid.  We noticed that his stool was so potent that it would cause him to immediately throw up.  We are currently using Purina Cat Chow (Indoor Formula) - (dry food only).  We got a free sample of Purina Cat Chow that is called "Naturals plus vitamins and minerals."  It claims it has no added artificial flavors or preservatives; but when we read the ingredients in the back, the second ingredient is corn gluten meal and then further down it says corn meal.  Is this even worth trying, to help our cat's bowels become more normal?


I would take the cat to the vet to rule out any medical
problems. Purina Cat Chow of any variety shouldn't make
his stools very potent and cause vomiting -- especially if he's been eating it all along and this is a sudden onset.

I've never even heard of generic dry cat food doing this

But some cat's stomachs are more sensitive than others..
but again, I'd get him a checkup at the vet first and
then decide the appropriate diet