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pregnant cat-still pregnant?


My cat has just delivered her second litter. However, last time she had 6 kittens,she looks just as big this time, however she only had 2 kittens! Is it possible she is not finished 14 hours later as she is still looking fat! Is it likely she has some still inside-undelivetable-how to tell?


The odds are she has delivered all she is going to.  BUT, to be on the safe side, I would have her to your vet for a post natal check up.  If there are still kittens in there, they need to come out.  I have heard of cats waiting up to 24 hours between emptying one horn of the uterus and then the other.  If there is nothing there, the vet can give her an oxytocin shot which will clean out and condition the uterus and help with milk production.

Best regards... Norm.