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Spayed cat - behavioral change


It's been over three months since my cat was spayed. She's become so annoying I'm considering finding her a new home.

From around 6 in the morning she begins trying to wake us up - we normally only get up around 8 or later. She paces all over us meowing incessantly, until we get up to feed her. But then within an hour she begins meowing again. She consistently begs for food and attention and screams her head off if a door is closed. She's also started biting when she doesn't get her way and has also started attacking my legs when I walk past. We haven't changed the amount we feed them and use a good food prescribed by a vet.

Even our other cat has had enough. She's gotten so sick of this cats constant attention that she regularly starts hissing at this cat now.  They used to play all the time, but now it turns into viscous fights, waking us up at all hours.

Since she's been spayed she's become a complete nuisance! I think she was seriously traumatized during the op.


It is not unheard of for cats to abreact to anaesthetic.  I am wondering if that is what happened.  Often, when cats have a sudden change in personality, it is due to a medical issue.  I would have her checked out by your vet, especially her thyroid levels.

Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.