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cat constipation


hello my cat is 17 yoa, and has a problem passing her stools to the point that she recently had 2 enemas by the vet. i have been giving her lactulose <sp> 1 cm. 3 x a day plus cisapride put inside her ear 2 x a day,per the vets instructions ( i just spent 600 doing this. although I live on social security i would do ANYTHING to make her feel better. do they make a cat suppository? I've done everything my vet said. I'm reluctant to take her in again for MORE Enemas. It was traumatic and she had bleeding. If there IS a cat suppository out there .what is its ingredients? also?. i tried most things that were listed but i always went to the baking section to get the pumpkin. now i see that was wrong. but the all stores only carried the 1 thing. where does one get  canned pure pumpkin? please advise my cat needs help.

Hi Xandra,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I had the flu. One home remedy for this is to give her a little bit of petroleum jelly. Or you can give her hairball medicine. Canned pumpkin is usually found by the canned fruit section of your grocery store. One other thing you can do for her is to give her milk. That causes loose stools in cats. You haven't said anything about what you feed her. I am giving you a link about feeding your cat. Please read it. It will give you lots of good info.

And here is a link about home remedies.

And one more link about caring for your senior cat.

Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen