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Bare spot on back legs


I have a male and a female siamese cats both from the same litter and the latest of several over 40 years.On their back legs about 3/4" down from their heel, there is a 1/2" circular bare spot. This is on both legs on both cats and is something I have never noticed before. I'm just curious to know if this is common to all cats.


This is perfectly normal.  Very short haired cats (e.g. Siamese) get these bare spots from sitting on their hocks when sitting on their haunches.  The hair simply wears away in that part of the hock.  All Siamese I have ever had have had this.  Siamese have guard hairs but no under coat.  Having all of guard coat, awn coat, and under coat would help protect the hair from being worn away on the hocks.  I suspect all of your Siamese have had these bare spots even if they went unnoticed.

Best regards... Norm.