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Sadie as Kitten
I adopted my blue cat 2 years ago as a 5-week old kitten. I had seen an all grey kitten advertised by an adoption agency and decided that that was the color kitten I wanted -- I didn't know anything about breeds, etc. -- but I just started searching Craigslist and other adoption listings for all-grey kittens. Finally I got in touch with a girl who had discovered a litter of three grey kittens under a stoop in Harlem - only one of them was entirely grey (the other two had white patches on their chests I believe), and that was the one I wanted. Sadie was a little scruffy, with blue-green eyes that became yellower within a few months. She's grown up into a beautiful, all-grey cat with green eyes.

I always assumed she was some sort of Russian Blue mix - it seemed highly unlikely that such a rare cat as a Korat could end up abandoned in the streets of New York, and Russian Blues seemed more common. But Sadie, now 2.5 years old, does not really exhibit any of the traits attributed to the Russian Blue, and instead seems to match the description of a Korat perfectly:

She has a short single coat of glossy, fine, all grey hair with no patches, which spikes a bit over her spine when she walks. Her eyes are round and green, her nose is dark blue, her face is perfectly heart-shaped. She's about 10 lbs, and not long and lean like a Russian Blue, but stockier and rounded. She's always had an incredible sense of hearing and is very playful - even plays catch and hide-and-seek.

I've attached some pictures for you. Is there anything I can do to confirm that she is a Korat? Even if you were to just unofficially confirm this for me, I'd be very happy. Thank you very much for your time.  


I only received one picture of Sadie.  I suppose it is possible she has Korat back there (although highly unlikely).  She does have some physical similarities to Korats, so who knows?

If she has a Korat type of personality, that does sound like a real treat.  Given the description of her siblings, I would be surprised if there was Korat in the mix, but there could be.

Best regards... Norm.