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my cat is 15 years old male house cat, fixed from kitten, has never ever been sick. 3 weeks ago we picked up a kitten off the street, she was approximate 1.5 months old. she seems healthy but to small for her shots. 3 days ago my older cat started to sneeze a lot with a lot of mucus,he has never sneezed before like this. should i be concerned what can i do?


You need to take them both to your vet!

Your 15 year old is geriatric and any and all upper respiratory problems must be taken very seriously!!!!!

You 6 week old is very, very young, the immune system is not yet really developed, and you must make sure he is not coming down with an upper respiratory.

Your vet can also give you a good age when to give shots.

Assuming they are indoors only, after the upper respiratory problems have cleared up in the little one, he would be ready for a 3 in 1 (panleoukopenia, calici, rhinotracheitis shot).  This can usually be given at 8-9 weeks with a booster 3 weeks later.

Any other shots required should be given at least 3 more weeks later!.

Let me know how it goes.

Best regards... Norm.