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Cat not using litter box.


Hello, I'm not sure if you would be able to help me out with this question but I have had my cat for about two years now and things have always been great. Recently she began to defecate on the furniture. I haven't caught her in the act so I can't tell if it's purposeful or accidental but it has been going on for a while and I have no idea what the problem might be. It almost seems as though she is suffering from diarrhea but I'm not sure. Any guidance you can provide would be helpful.


I am assuming she is spayed?

Cat litterbox difficulties are always a bit daunting.  There is either a medical cause or a behavioral cause of the problem.

I would have her see your vet and check out the usual possibilities like clogged anal glands, intestinal parasites, or etc.

The other behavioral problem occur because something has changed, e.g., a new addition to the household (2 legged or 4 legged), a change in the brand or type of litter you are using, some strange cat hanging around the outside of your household, etc.

Below is a link which points to a super collection of articles which should help you get to the bottom of the problem:

Meanwhile, make sure you clean the area she uses with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors, available at most pet supermarkets or farm stores.

Please let me know what you find out.

Good luck and best regards.... Norm.