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Carpet Caper


I have 2 cats, British Blue and Burmese(both 16yo)  The British blue will only use the litterbox for urinating.  When she has to defecate she will us the dining room carpet.  I have leaned the carpet with pet deodorizing shampoo and she still uses the carpet.  this has only been going on for about 3 months.  Getting tired of cleaning the carpet everyday.  Hope you have a solution to try.


The difficulty is trying to establish why the behavior began.  It could be a medical problem (intestinal parasites, clogged anal glands, etc.)  It could be a change, for example, a new addition to the household (2 legged or 4 legged), change in the brand or type of litter being used, etc.

There is a great set of articles I will give you a link to which should offer many suggestions as to what has gone awry with her bathroom habits:

The fact that she is 16 years old and geriatric, leads me to lean towards a medical problem.

Please let me know what you find out.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.