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kitten not walking yet


Hi Teresa,
I wrote you three weeks or so ago about a stray cat having kittens in my cellar. I'm happy to report she came out of hiding on her own and had two beautiful kittens.My question is one of the kittens is walking around and the other one is active and seems ok except it isn't walking on all fours yet.It walks on it's front feet and is sort of dragging its back feet.The feet and legs move and it doesnt appear to be in pain that I can tell.Is this normal?I'm thinking it just hasn't figured out how to walk yet but the other one is sure walking around.Also i've seen fleas on them and was wondering if I should do anything about it yet or let them get a bit older first.

Hi Jo, Some kittens start walking before the others but there shouldn't be more than a 2 day gap in their abilities. So, if this kitten is not walking the same as the other is today within 2 days.. then there may be something wrong. I would try to get something done about the fleas. They will be weakening the kittens and spreading tapeworm and basically they are just horrible things that you don't want around. Ask your vet about getting some kind of treatment that you can use on young kittens and the mom cat.