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my cat is sick


my cat is sick and hiding in dark closets etc... he looks at me when i lay quiet by him and talk to him, i want to try to get him to drink water. he drank a little, he is about 3 or 4 mancoon, i know i spelt this wrong, earlier, his belly twice suced in and he meowed... i'm scared


Unfortunately I'm not a veterinarian so I'm unable to provide you with any kind of diagnosis or treatment recommendations. Based on what you describe I would say that based on my experience your kitty is quite sick and needs medical attention as soon as possible. If the financial costs of medical care for your pet are an issue I do keep a list of organizations that might be willing to provide some financial assistance to cover the cost of veterinary care for this kitty. All I ask is that you save both of us a considerable amount of time by providing me with the general area you're writing from so that I don't end up sending you resources that aren't available in your area and you don't have to sift through a list of every organization that I'm aware of - in the US the name of a state will suffice. If you have any further cat related questions please feel free to contact me again and I will do my best to help you out or direct you to appropriate resources that can provide what your kitty needs at this point.