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Cat B.M.s


Hello Norm, I've been seeing the most amazing videos on YouTube.  People have photographed their pet cats sitting on the toilet seat defecating copiously into the toilet!  How does one train a cat to do that...and what happens if its human family forgets to leave the room open and seat down?  Do cats use the same posture when they are defecating in a litter box or outside.  I was surprised at how much feces they held, even a rather small Bengal kitten.  Do they always wait until they are so full, or might this have been that they were having to wait a very long time.  This was really a sight!  I'll be interested in your comments.  Thanks much.


Yes, most cats can be trained to use a toilet.  Just don't teach them to flush <ggg>!

There are numerous web sites you can check out.  Also, be aware that, in some cases, these web sites are marketing a product, and so, will make all kinds of claims.

I did a search on Google using the search parameters: toilet training cat

You can do a lot of reading on the subject.

What a friend of mine did was to post a sign in the bathroom the cats used (also a guest powder room) that warned that the guest was sharing the toilet with the family cats, and to please put the seat down and the cover up, when finished.

Cats can hold it in for approximately 18 hours, after that, they will pick a spot to go.

Good luck and best regards... Norm.