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5 week kitten


I have a 5 week old kitten and I have never raised one this small.  He is eating kittn food but will not drink milk or water, so naturally I am a little concerned about him.  I just am wondering what I should do about this.  Also he has not used the bathroom in a day.  Is there anything I can do to help him? Thanks.

Hi charlee, If your kitten is not going to the bathroom then it is because he is constipated from not drinking so it is going to be important to get something down him. Try mixing up some tasty canned food with water to feed him so that he gets more liquid down him . I would also recommend you get a kitten bottle and try bottle feeding him. It sounds like he may be younger than you were told.. and not used to eating from a bowl yet. You can get a bottle and some kitten milk from a pet store or veterinarian, and I would not delay. Kittens can go downhill very fast and you will have a very ill kitten on your hands if he doesnt get some liquid in him soon... Teresa