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Cat vet


Dear katherine,
My cat is 11 monthes old, and he had only had one vet cheakup and that was before we had him. he is almost a year old and i have not given him a cheak up yet. he has all his vaccines he had been nutered and he had his feline luckima testing already. But should i take him to the vet for a cheak up? how do i get a vet? when i call them what do i say?  Thankyou so much i hope this question is not out of your expierence.

Hi Jennifer,

Thank you for your question.  Typically a cat only needs to go to the vet once a year for their annual check up and shots.  Because he had everything done before you got him, there is no need to take him back to the vet until his vaccines are due.  If there are any health concerns, then take him sooner.  

When looking for a vet, I would suggest finding out what's in your area, call around, try to get a feel for which clinics you like/dislike.  Talk to friends and see where they go,who they recommend.  Choosing a vet is like choosing your own doctor.  You want to feel comfortable with them. :)

When you make the first phone call, let them know you have a new cat and are looking for a vet for him.  Maybe they will offer you a tour of the clinic or tell you a bit about what services they offer.  I would suggest finding a vet now so that when you do have a medical concern, you won't be scrambling to find a good vet in a hurry.

Hope this helps,
