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how many litters can a cat have in a lifetime ?


Outdoors cats generally have a lifespan of 3-5 years. Indoor cats have a lifespan of 12 - 15 years. Breeding cats often do not live much pst 8-10 years in doors.

A female can reach puberty between 4-6 months of age.  She can conceive in her first hard season (at that tender age). The gestation is a little over 2 months and when the kittens are 4-6 weeks of age she can have a lactation heat during which she can be bred and the whole cycle start again.  So, in theory, she can have approximately 10-11 litters per year (in theory). So do the math and see whatb you come up with.  In truth, I am sure no cat would survive that many litters a year.

We breed our females once a year!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.