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want to get a kitty

20 16:40:47

Hi, I am wanting to get a kitten later this year around october/november so I've got a while to get to know everything before hand and also to get everything he needs before hand. I am going to try get a purebred kitten with first vaccines/deworming that is well socilized and from a good breeder, I am looking into either a ragdoll, a himalayin or simese I am looking for one that if brought up properly will be ok with an occassinal cuddling. I will be getting a male... does he need to be neutered? will he spray if hes not? also I was wondering since the cat will be mine will he sleep in my bed as a dog would? as I don't want to have him bothering my family during the night as he will be soley my responseblity not theres. Also if I scoop the pan daily and change the litter every two/three days will there be a smell? I will be using yesterdays news litter. If you can help me please get back to me asap, thanks ~Tara

Hi Tara!

You are certainly going to be prepared for your new kitten!  If you get a male, YES get him neutered as soon as you can.  They do this much earlier now, and it's best for him to do it as soon as possible.  If you do not ... then chances are he will spray.  Some male cats still spray after being neutered, but that is usually when there are more than one male in the house... they are showing dominance.  If you are going to have only one male, then have him neutered and he will do fine.   Most cats , if you get them young enough and they have raised in a home environment, are very lovey dovey and you can expect lots of cuddling!!  Although cats are different from dogs in many ways, he will still like the attention that you will give him.  My cats bug me to death sometimes, and I literally have to stop what I am doing, pick them up and give them some attention.   My cats sleep with me, so I can only speak for myself, but I would guess if this is going to be your cat that he will probably do the same with you.   If you scoop the litter box every day and keep it clean then there should not be an odor.  I have two cats and I use the "clumping" type litter that is easy to remove.   I clean their box twice a day, but I have two cats and I like to keep it really clean.  Most houses smell like cats becasue their owners either don't keep their litter box clean, or the cat is urinating on the carpet.  That sometimes happens because the litter box is dirty, so that's another reason to keep the box clean.  
I wish you luck and I think you will be a very responsible cat owner!!  Be sure to get yearly vaccinations too.

God Bless,