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litter traning


I just adopted a 7 week old kitten and a 6 week old kitten.  Neither one of them like to do anything in the litter box besides play.  
What is the best way to litter train a kitten.

Continue to let them play! That's the best way to litter train them.

When they go on the floor, pick up the solid waste with a tissue and drop it in the box. Then, feed them their favorite wet food. Wait about 10 minutes after they've finished, and one at a time, drop them in the box containing their earlier waste. They'll be full enough to go again, and they'll understand that, "Hey! This is where that goes!" If he doesn't go right away and jumps back out, watch him for the next hour or so. When you see him about to do his business, softly put him in the box. He'll get the idea. You can repeat this process every other day.

Also, be aware that larger boxes are not suitable for kittens. Get a small, low lipped litter box for them.