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Please help ASAP!!. Cat Rash/losing hair/getting thinner


Let me make this as short as possible.
1st: Pebbles(Calico female) became depressed and stopped eating when i had to leave town for a few weeks even though she had a petsitter.
2nd: Came back and started supplementing for weight issues.  I had to petsit two other cats and she got jeolous and ran away.
She came back after a few days with dirt and oil on her fur..
Again was supplementing for nutrients..
She started with about 3 small cirlcular rashes on her tummy.(one may have been ringworm but highly doubted) The others looked like a rash.Red, bumpy(but no pattern) and losing fur in those areas.  It has spread to almost her full stomach and her armpits.She is losing weight again and losing lots of fur.  She had blood on her butt today but face looks healthy.
Please email me!!  She has a sibling named Sharbait and he is male.  Can he contract this from her?

Hi Rachael.  It could be she became so depressed she started overgrooming and caused irritation on her belly.  That often leads to a secondary bacterial infection, such as staph, which then spreads throughout the skin and CAN end up spreading to other organs and cause serious problems.  Or she may be having allergies.  Or it could be auto-immune problems.  None of these are contagious, but all can certainly make the kitty feel awful and need to be treated.

There is also a good possibility she's suffering from a mite infestation, fungal infection and/or worm infestation.  These things ARE contagious (aside from tapeworms), so Sharbait may be at risk.

Losing weight can be due to lots of things ranging from a simple infection to diabetes, kidney failure, high thyroid, parasites, Inflammatory Bowel Disease,'s really tough to guess what might be the problem.

So you should get Pebbles to the vet ASAP.