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Tiny skinny kitty


I was on my way out of work tonight and in the distance of the parkin lot I saw this little animal kind of looking for a spot to hide (I didn't know what it was). When I got up to it, it was a little male kitten. He is VERY skinny and has a buldge in his belly area. I picked him up and was holding him by the nape(?) of his neck and was feeling his belly...pushing on it a little...when I did this he urinated. He didn't cry at all. I got him home and fed him a litte a/d (I think it's called) and holy moly was he hungry. I know I shouldn't give him to much of this so he got slightly less than a 1/4 of a small can. I also gave him some water. He's sleeping now but I'm worried about the mass in his belly. I have him in a cat crate so he can't roam or get hurt by the two grown felines I have. I did try to put him in a makeshift litter box but he just wanted out of it. I don't think we are goin o keep the little guy but am worried for him. Should I just make him comfy before I take him to he vet to see if they will keep him?

Awww.. what a sad story. I think you are doing the right thing. Do not feed him too much at once but you could give him the canned food in 1/4 can rations throughout the night. Keep him warm and give him access to lots of water. Do you have other pets? you would want to keep them away from him because he is likely carrying something contagious ie fleas or a disease. I doubt your vet will want to keep him or even be able to keep him but they may be able to suggest a shelter for you to take him to. I would call them first before you go over there.
Good luck, Teresa