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Odd behaviour...


Firstly hello. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
My 5 year old female tortoiseshell cat, Copper, is behaving in a very strange way. She has always seemed to be rather stupid, but even more so now. She seemingly can never remember anything, for example, she has a drink of water, walks away, and comes straight back for more. It's the same with a lot of things, as soon as she's finished the activity, she forgets what she has just done.
As well as the memory problems my cat seems to be having strange behavioural turns rather often. She will just go crazy, darting around the house, hitting things, jumping up on things, and then suddenly she stops.
I'm not too sure what the problem is with her; is she just rather stupid, or is there a medically related issue. There has been so medical problems with her in the past (except an allergic reaction to fleas)
Thank you.


I must admit, this is, indeed, odd behavior.  I am assuming she is spayed.  As to the water, I would have her checked out by a vet, regardless, especially, to make sure her kidneys are functioning correctly.

It sure does sound medically related, but, not being a vet, I would not even know where to begin.

Other than the medical problem as a possibility, there could be a variety of causes for the behavior, including, a mental weakness <ggg>!  The behavior about darting around the house does not seem to be so odd to me, unless, by hitting things, you mean bumping into them?  Most cats can easily avoid bumping into things unless they intend to.  If she is having equilibrium problems, you might want the vet to check that out also.

Please keep me posted.

Best regards... Norm.