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i have a 9 month old cat i was told it was male but there are no balls and i was told males dont call but my cat has recently been calling for a mate. how do i tell my cat is long furred and i have difficulty checking at the back


There is one and only one way to check and that is visually.  You can always try to use a mirror and face the cat with its bum up towards the mirror.

If there are no testicles, than it is most likely a female.  There is a remote chance it is a male with two undescended testicles, but that is unlikely.

In the rear you should see what looks to be an upside down exclamation point (!).  The upper dot would represent the anus and the lower line would represent the entrance to the vagina.

This is the height of breeding season in the Northern hemisphere, so it is not surprising she is calling.  She may also exhibit some other behaviors of being in season including inappropriate litter pan habits, so I would certainly think about getting her spayed.

If the vet sees that it is indeed a male with undescended testicles, he can extract the undescended testicles, surgically.

Best regards... Norm.