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my cat is hurt


hello, my names kirsten and i have a cat that has hut his back leg, we arent exactly sure whats wrong but we think it is a torn tendon. i want to take him to the vet but my mom says it will be to expensive, what can i do from home to help my kitty heel?

Hi Kirsten,

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I lost power here. I don't know how he is now. But any cat that has a hurt leg needs to be kept quiet and in a place where he can't hurt himself further. I use a large animal crate for that. One that is big enough for a litter pan, food and water dishes. It should have enough room for him to turn around in, but not move too much in. Hopefully you got him to the vet. If he tore a tendon something medically needs to be done for that. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen