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Pooping on bed


My Burmese kitten, 9 months old is staring to poop on our bed. Usually when
I'm about to leave for work or when I'm not paying attention to her. I only have
the one cat. Think she may be lonely during the day & sending me a message.
What would you do? I feel like I should get another at to keep her company.


Is she spayed?  If not, she might be in season, which can lead to this type of behavior.

I am also giving you a link to a series of articles on inappropriate litter pan habits in cats:

Normally, litter pan habits can change due to medical problems or behavioral problems.  So a quick trip to the vet to rule out intestinal parasites, impacted anal glands or the like, would be in order.  Behavioral problems are more difficult to diagnose and deal with, but the articles I pointed you to will help.

In any case, the area should be cleaned with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available at most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

Until this problem is resolved I would be wary about brining another cat into the household as both may then exhibit this untoward behavior.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Best regards... Norm.