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New Male Kitten

20 16:40:09

my sister recently rescued a male kitten (he's still very tiny but we believe it to be a male) - we will know for sure next week when he visits the VET.  I already have a one year old male cat. A friend of mine told me that the older male cat will try to hurt the kitten because he's male as well - this is because he is protecting his territory.  Is this true?

I don't want to come home to a murder scene - need your help. Thanks

ok the older male will not try to kill the kitten. male cats only kill kittens when they find a female that has just had a litter and they then kill the babies for 2 reasons. 1. because the kittens are not his own and  2. to make the female come back into heat.

if you are afraid there will be trouble, just put food, a potty and the kitten in a bedroom or bathroom or somewhere where you can seperate them when you arent home.